Jellurgal Aboriginal Cultural Centre

Discover a cultural experience near the stunning beaches of Burleigh that will reshape your perception of history, making even the most modern history books pale in comparison: Jellurgal Aboriginal Cultural Centre.
As the Gold Coast's exclusive cultural hub, Jellurgal stands as a testament to the deep connection with and dedication to the local Indigenous community.
Embark on the renowned Jellurgal Walkabout, a captivating tour that spans approximately two hours on foot, tracing the Burleigh headland along the coastline from Tallebudgera Creek to Burleigh Point.
Prepare to witness the beloved surf paradise in a whole new light as you immerse yourself in the captivating tale of "Dreaming Mountain," affectionately known as Jellurgal. Uncover the profound symbolism behind this sacred site, which served as a significant gathering place for Indigenous travelers traversing the region.
Through storytelling and deep cultural insights, Jellurgal Aboriginal Cultural Centre will transport you to a realm where ancient traditions and contemporary significance intertwine, leaving an indelible impression on your journey of discovery.